Select one of the options below:
There are two types of appeals:
These types of appeals include the following requests:
If you are appealing to drop or withdraw from a credit course, be aware of the following information:
If you have questions about the potential impact that the outcome of an appeal may have on your financial aid, please email Office of Financial Aid or call (970) 491-6321.
If you are seeking a University Withdrawal and you are receiving financial aid, you must contact Office of Financial Aid at (970) 491-6321 as you may be required to repay your financial aid.
All students taking noncredit courses should submit a CSU Online Course Registration/Refund Appeal Form to CSU Online (970-491-5288).
The following applies to admitted graduate students and to non-admitted students taking graduate-level coursework through CSU Online:
The following applies to admitted undergraduate students and to non-admitted students taking undergraduate-level coursework through CSU Online:
For information about the appeals process for residential courses taken on the CSU campus, visit the Registrar's Office website.
An academic (grade) appeal may be submitted when a student believes a grade was miscalculated by the instructor and/or when a student believes that a higher grade should have been granted by the instructor based on the quality of the student's work.
Academic (grade) appeals must be submitted in writing to the department chairperson of the academic department that offered the course.
The request must be submitted or postmarked no later than 30 calendar days after the first day of classes of the next regular semester following the date the grade was recorded. If no appeal is filed within this time period, the grade will be considered final. See the Academic Standards and Policies section of the CSU General Catalog for complete policy information.
CSU Online will not review academic (grade) appeals and will return these requests to students.