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Dual Enrollment – Department Benefits

Overall, as a land grant university it is our duty to increase the number of Coloradans that graduate from high school and matriculate to CSU. CSU departments that participate in dual enrollment offer courses by cross listing a high school course section to an already offered “801” or “401” section.

Benefits of cross-listing the two sections include:

  • Expands access to high school students without the need for the department to create an entirely new section
  • Eliminates the need to hire additional PT Instructors/exceed Faculty course load limits for high school sections.
  • Have a course “Observer” from the high school that is set up in the CSU HR system with viewing access to their student’s course Canvas shell. The high school observer assists and supports the CSU Faculty with their high school students’ in-class questions, technology errors, and tutoring.

Dual Enrollment Quick Facts*

  • 53,245 Colorado high school students participated in dual enrollment programs of any type
  • 40% of all graduates in public high schools in Colorado participated in dual enrollment programs.

*Based on the 2019–2020 academic year

Growth Opportunities

District and school participation in dual enrollment continues to grow into the current academic year. Currently, we have signed Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) for 13 districts and 3 independent high schools.

CSU Dual Enrollment Data (2020-2022):

Academic Year Students Enrolled
2021-22 118
2022-23 201

Dual Enrollment Retention Data (Academic Year 2021):

Academic Term DE Students Enrolled DE Students Admitted DE Course Retention Rate
Fall 97 21 22%
Spring 13 5 39%

Course Offerings and Marketing

  • CSU will work with each district to determine which courses are offered.
  • Credit course rate is $153.35 per credit hour (not including a per semester technology fee, or any specific course material fees).
  • Courses will be promoted to high schools in the spring term prior to the next academic year.
  • CSU departments create marketing materials to promote the courses they intend to offer. Marketing materials will be added to the Dual Enrollment Digital Guidebook that will be provided upon request.

Note: Hidden links cannot be added to marketing materials


If you have questions about dual enrollment with CSU Online, please contact Brandi Gonzales.