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Sustainable Military Lands ManagementGraduate Certificate

Course Descriptions

NR 550 – Sustainable Military Lands Management (3 cr.)
This course provides an overview of military lands in the U.S. from several different contexts — historical, geographical, and environmental. It provides an overview of how military lands evolved as part of the federal land system, the role of the military in the early National Parks system, and the various federal legislative actions that codified these lands. Course content includes discussions on the purpose and use of these lands as they relate to national defense requirements, and discusses the principles and implementation of environmental stewardship of natural and cultural resources. Current issues surrounding military lands, including encroachment and multipurpose uses, are also included. Case studies involving military installations in various regions of the U.S. will be included throughout the course.

NR 551 – Cultural Resource Management on Military Lands (3 cr.)
This course provides an introduction to cultural resource laws and policies as they apply to military lands, and the practices commonly employed in the management and preservation of these diverse and non-renewable resources. It covers a broad range of heritage resources found on military installations and lands, including prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, historic buildings and structures, traditional cultural properties, historic landscapes, archaeological artifacts, and Native American sacred sites, sacred objects, and human remains. Various tools and techniques for accomplishing heritage management goals and complying with federal and state legislation will be reviewed. Numerous case studies from military lands, including stakeholder involvement and consultation, are also included.

NR 552 – Ecology of Military Lands (3 cr.)
This course focuses on the landscape ecology of military training and testing areas. It covers ecological principles and the impacts of disturbances caused by military training and testing activities, as well as scientific approaches to measuring and quantifying these impacts. A particular focus of the course is on the ecology and management of threatened and endangered species and their associated habitats on military lands. Regional case studies of soil erosion management and species management from military lands throughout the U.S. and in Europe are incorporated.

NR 553 – DoD Sustainable Building and Infrastructure (3 cr.)
This course focuses on the major components of sustainability and sustainable design within cantonment areas of U.S. military installations. After a review of current sustainability initiatives in the Department of Defense and service-specific goal requirements, the course examines U.S. military installations from the perspective of sustainable cityscapes and ecosystems. It explores state-of-the-art sustainability problem-solving and systems-thinking techniques as applied to unique energy conservation, indoor environmental quality, resource use, and other environmental challenges posed by the military mission.