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SOCR 300 - Seed Purity Analysis

  • 2 credits

This course teaches students how to assess the quality of seed lots destined for planting purposes and how to perform these assessments accurately.

Students must complete six proctored exams and a sample purity analysis.


A solid background in the anatomy of seeds and seed units is needed to complete this course. This should include a firm knowledge of seed identification. SOCR200 (Seed Anatomy and Identification), should have been completed prior to taking this course. SC 200 gives the background in identification techniques and familiarized the student with the common crop and weed seeds seen throughout the SOCR300 course.

Textbooks and Materials

Section 801


  • Seed Technology Training Manual
    Society of Commercial Seed Technologists
    Not available at the CSU Bookstore
  • Principles of Seed Science and Technology, 4th Ed. (2001)
    Copeland and McDonald
    ISBN: 978-0792373223
    This text may be purchased from the CSU Bookstore, or an online venue.
  • AASCO Handbook on Seed Sampling, Association of American Seed Control Officials
    Wayne R. Guerke, Editor

Textbooks and materials can be purchased at the CSU Bookstore unless otherwise indicated.

The required reading material for this course is provided in the course materials on Canvas.
