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JTC 210 - Newswriting

  • 3 credits

NewsWriting covers theory and practice in news writing. Emphasis is placed on writing for newspapers and web presentation; however, the basics learned in Newswriting transfer to other media formats: magazines, broadcast, blogs, etc. The basic news story will be written in inverted pyramid and Wall Street Journal styles. Stress is also placed on learning what is covered in the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook and how to use this journalist’s resource.


Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, their audiences and the purposes the writing serves.
  • Critically evaluate your own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, appropriate style, punctuation and grammatical correctness.
  • Apply current tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions.
  • Explore social media and its role in newswriting.
  • Define gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, culture and, as appropriate, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass communications.
  • Demonstrate professional ethical principles, and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity.

Textbooks and Materials

Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available at the CSU Bookstore about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.


Clarissa Crozier
Clarissa Crozier

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Clarissa Crozier, MA ’91, teaches news writing and copy editing. She advised high school yearbook, newspaper and video productions that earned All American, Pacemaker and Crown Awards and served as executive director for the Colorado Student Media Association. She holds an MA in administration, supervision and curriculum development from the University of Colorado-Denver and administrative licensure from the University of Northern Colorado. She was recognized with the Journalism Education Association Lifetime Achievement Award, Colorado Journalism Teacher of the Year and Emily Gates Achievement Award.