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ENGR 540 - Design Analysis of Engineering Experiments

  • 3 credits

Strategies to acquire meaningful data from engineered experiments and create useful models with the data. Techniques include comparative tests, analysis of variance, randomized block designs, factorial designs, fractional factorial designs, regression, response surfaces, stochastic processes and system model identification.


CIVE 203 (Engineering Systems and Decision Analysis) or ECE 303/STAT 303 (Introduction to Communications Principles) or STAT 301 (Introduction to Statistical Methods) or STAT 303 (Introduction to Communications Principles) or STAT 315 (Intro to Theory and Practice of Statistics). Credit not allowed for both ENGR 540 and ENGR 581A5

Important Information

Military personnel admitted to a College of Engineering online degree program may be eligible for a 15% tuition discount. Tuition discounts can only be given if you provide the appropriate discount code at the time of registration. Call (877) 491-4336 or email to learn more.

This class is available live via the Internet during the in-person course section time. If you are registered for the 801 section, log into your Canvas account to access the course; directions will be posted. You can also attend the class in person if you contact the instructor ahead of time.