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ENGR 525 - Intellectual Property and Invention Systems

  • 3 credits
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Focused on the appropriate application of “patterns for patenting” together with intuition, inspiration, and cross-disciplinary connecting. De-mystify “inventing” as applied to science, engineering and technology. Credit not allowed for both 525 and 423.

Course Objectives:
Engineers and scientists are on the forefront of invention and generating valuable intellectual property for their employers. This course not only trains student to produce such inventive materials, but also explores how the different sciences and engineering disciplines connect. This course focuses on the appropriate application of "patterns of patenting" together with intuition, inspiration, and de-mystifying as applied to science, engineering, and technology.
Successful students will learn to:
• Evaluate the "patterns of patenting" and how to use them to enhance creativity
• Analyze linkages among different sciences and engineering disciplines
• Demonstrate ability to write a patent filing
• Understand the different types of intellectual properties created during product development


Junior standing.. Credit not allowed for both ENGR 525 and ENGR 423

Textbooks and Materials

Section 801


  • The Inventor's Complete Handbook, 1st Ed. (2018)
    James L. Cairns
    ISBN: 978-1-62023-018-3

Textbooks and materials can be purchased at the CSU Bookstore unless otherwise indicated.

The textbook is recommended.


Steven Simske
Steven Simske

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Dr. Steven Simske joined Colorado State University in 2018 as a Professor in Systems, Mechanical, and Biomedical Engineering. Before then, he was an HP Fellow and a Research Director in HP Labs. He led HP in research and development in algorithms, multi-media, labels, brand protection, security and secure printing, imaging, 3D printing, analytics and life sciences. He is a long-time member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Councils (2010-2016), leads the Steering Committee for the ACM DocEng Symposium, is former President of the Imaging Science and Technology professional organization, and is an IEEE, NAI, IS&T, and CSU FIIE Fellow. Dr. Simske has nearly 250 granted US patents and more than 500 professional publications, including books on machine learning, algorithmics, analytics, and text analytics. He is an Honorary Professor in Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, UK. Dr. Simske completed a BS (Marquette University, 1986) and Masters (Rensselaer Polytechnic University, 1987) in Biomedical Engineering; a PhD (University of Colorado, 1990) in Electrical Engineering, and a PostDoc (University of Colorado, 1993) in Aerospace Engineering. Dr. Simske was a payload specialist on a dozen Space Shuttle missions, and has designed devices ranging from exercise-responsive pacemakers to impedance tomography systems. Dr. Simske was a CSU Alumni Association Best Teacher Awardee in 2022.

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