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CS 556 - Computer Security

Information is an important strategic and operational corporate asset. Computers and computer networks, which are increasingly being used for storing and retrieving information, consequently need to have adequate security measures that can safeguard sensitive information.

This course will introduce the students to the rapidly emerging area of computer security. The topics that will be covered in this course are basic security concepts, access control models, multilevel security, viruses, Trojan horses and worms, trusted computer systems evaluation, cryptography, authentication and identification and security protocols.

The students taking this course will have knowledge of the fundamental principles of computer security. They will be in a position to understand the many different threats that endanger information processing systems and will be able to formulate policies and implement defenses against these threats. The knowledge acquired will allow them to be successful in computer security related careers. It will also allow them to pursue more advanced studies in information systems security.


CS 356 (Systems Security) or CS 455 (Introduction to Distributed Systems)

Textbooks and Materials

Please check the CSU Bookstore for textbook information. Textbook listings are available at the CSU Bookstore about 3 weeks prior to the start of the term.


Indrajit Ray

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Dr. Indrajit Ray is an Associate Professor with the Computer Science Department who joined the faculty at Colorado State University in 2001. Prior to that he was an Assistant Professor in Computer and Information Science at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

Dr. Ray received the Ph.D. Degree in Information Technology from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA in 1997. His undergraduate and M.E. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering were earned from the Bengal Engineering College and the Jadavpur University in India.