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HSBB 2505 - Understanding Disabilities Laws and Making Program Adaptations

  • 1.5 PDHs
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When planning and delivering programming for clientele with developmental disabilities it is important for educators to understand the legal protections due to these individuals and to learn how to make the accommodations needed for successful participation.

Disabilities Laws, Program Accommodations and Modifications provides information on how to make the accommodations and modifications needed for successful participation in the learning environment, and meet requirements of The American Disabilities Act, The Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Participants will also learn the difference between an accommodation and modification, and tips to help improve communication and information gathering.

Noncredit courses do not produce academic credit nor appear on a Colorado State University academic transcript.

Please note that there are no refunds for open entry courses.

Textbooks and Materials

All materials are supplied within the online course.


Tricia Griffin