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BMLL 3001 - Principles of Human Physiology

This course is designed to provide a general introduction to human physiology.

Topics covered include: cells; tissues/skin; skeletal system; endocrine system; nervous system; muscle system; blood; lymphatics; nonspecific immunity; humoral immunity; cellular immunity; cardiovascular system; respiratory system; urinary system; digestion and metabolism; and reproduction.

For students unfamiliar with CSU course designations, prerequisites listed below are equivalent to a semester of college biology and a semester of college chemistry. More information about course equivalents can be found at

Noncredit courses do not produce academic credit nor appear on a Colorado State University academic transcript.

Important Information

Each lecture will be recorded on video, and processed for streaming video accessible through Canvas. A link on the course homepage will take you to an html page where you can link to the streaming video versions of the lectures. Lectures are usually mounted in Canvas the same day the lecture is presented.

Lectures may be viewed as streaming video on desktop and laptop computers as well as hand-held devices such as tablets and phones.

This course is also available as a credit option. See the BMS 300 course page if you are obtaining an undergraduate degree and need the credits.